Cllr. Tom Maher, Chairperson |
Cllr. Marie Fitzpatrick, Mayor |
It is a great privilege for us as Cathaoirleach and Mayor of Kilkenny County and City Council's to introduce the annual report for 2007. This report outlines the two local authorities many and varied activities throughout the County and City across all services. Some of the highlights of the year include
- Progression on the development plan 2008/2014 with the development plan for Kilkenny County and City Environs being approved for public display in July 2007.
- The adoption of the new development contribution scheme in December 2007 which should provide funding towards our ambitious public infrastructure and facilitate progression of projects in the area of Roads, Water Services, and recreational Facilities for the years 2008/2012.
- A series of measures which should promote Road Safety throughout the County were implemented in 2007. Foremost amongst these measures was the approval of a Road Safety Plan for the County. The approval following extensive interagency consultations and work at SPC level. Early 2007 saw the imaginative preparation of a Schools Safety programme which is the first of its kind in the state. The year 2007 also saw the introduction of a traffic information service progressed in partnership with Carlow Local Authorities and KCLR.
- Kilkenny County and City Councils pursuit of a pro active programme of environmental education and awareness continued throughout 2007. Six more schools were granted Green School Status. Our civic amenity centre in Dunmore goes from strength to strength and the centre based in Newrath been of great use to the public in that area of the County. A particular success was the Farm Plastics scheme which was promoted in partnership with the local IFA. Over one weekend alone, 351 tonnes of farm plastic were deposited on the old mart site and great credit is due to all concerned.
- The litter management plan was adopted in 2007. Key to the success of any programme of work is the need for engagement with the communities we serve, be it through meeting with formal groups or individual representatives. This can be seen by the success of our Heritage Plan, the adoption of a formal Play Policy and implementation plan and the increased take up in the various community grants which was facilitated by the production of a single overall pack in 2007.
- One particular area that we as Local Authorities have to be proactive is in the area of estate management. An estate management plan for the forthcoming years was passed in 2007 following a lot of consultation with community groups, other agencies such as the HSE and the Gardai Siochana and work conducted at policy level by our SPC's.
- Achievements by Kilkenny City and County Council's have been recognised at national and international level particularly through recognition at the LAMA Awards and the O2 Positive to Disability Awards. Perhaps the proudest achievement in 2007 was the Award given to Kilkenny City by the Academy of Urbanism for Great Britain and Ireland, when Kilkenny was awarded the Great Town Award at a ceremony in London in November 2007.
During 2007 great progress has been made on various infrastructural projects. The main projects undertaken include
- Agreement on an ambitious water and waste water programme up to 2020 which is to be progressed utilising the various funding options available at national and Local Level.
Progression on various Roads project including:
- Completion of the long awaited Kilkenny Ring Road Extension late 2007.
- Progression on the N8/Cullahill to Cashel Road.
Some other projects of note include:
- Completion of the Freshford Fire Station.
- Commencement of Phase 2 of the Nore Linear Park.
- Progression on the ambitious new Leisure complex sited at Scanlon Park which is due for completion in Autumn 2008.
Ambitious plans for the development of the centre of Kilkenny City were brought before elected members including revised proposals for the Parade.
Progress throughout the past twelve months would not have been made without the cooperation and assistance of our fellow councillors and we would like to take this opportunity to put on record our appreciation to them. We would also like to play tribute to the County Manager, Mr. Joe Crockett and his staff for the manner in which they have assisted us in the performance of our roles. We wish Joe a happy and successful time whilst he is in the office of County Manager and look forward to working with for many years to come. We would also like to thank his predecessor Mr. Michael Malone who was County Manager until his departure for Kildare County Council in April of this year. We wish him the best for the future. We would also like to thank Mr. Tony Walsh, who acted as County Manager until Mr. Crockett's appointment.
Our time as Cathoirealach and Mayor is proving to be a very fulfilling and rewarding experience and we look forward to meeting the many challenges that lie ahead.
We would like to express thanks to our predecessors Cllr. Billy Ireland and Cllr. Martin Brett for their help and their cooperation during the year.
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Cllr. Tom Maher Cllr. Marie Fitzpatrick
MCC Cathaoirleach MCC Mayor