This page includes the following sections:
Service Points:
- Callan
- Castlecomer
- City Library, John's Quay
- Co. Library Headquarters (Administration and Local Studies)
- Graiguenamanagh
- Loughboy
- Mobile Service
- Schools' Service
- Thomastown
- Urlingford
A Space For All
People use the Library Service for all sorts of thing: borrowing a bestseller or a classic; finding out about a holiday destination or prospective employer; using the Internet; learning a language; looking for information on a medical condition, to check if they are registered to vote; to stage an exhibition or display... the list is endless. All are welcome.
If you don't live near one of our branches, we come to you, with our computerised Mobile Library Service, making 60 stops around the County. While our Schools' Library van visits 9,344 primary school children and their teachers, 3 times per year for book exchanges.
Borrowing of books continues to be the most popular library activity, but you can also borrow music CD's, cassettes and magazines, or you can read newspapers in the library. Large print books, book-on-tape, language courses, some CD-ROMs and educational videos, are also available. We have comprehensive Reference Sections and staff can help to find what is needed, be it for study, interest, research, or just for fun.
We cater for all ages and stages. For teenagers, there are dedicated Young Adult sections and popular chart music selections. Library membership for children under 14 years is FREE. All our libraries have books, tapes and videos for children, while some branches have toys for playing with in the library. Lots of children's activities take place in our library branches including: an annual Children's Book Festival; Book clubs; storytelling; and a Mother and Toddler Group - at Castlecomer Library.
Our Local Studies Department, at Co. Library H.Q. is one of the jewels of our service If you are doing a thesis for a Local Studies Degree, writing a local parish history, interested in checking old newspapers for hurling match reports, looking up your family history, we can help. Our stock includes: 1901 and 1911 censuses; 19th Century R.C. Parish registers and local papers, from Finn's Leinster Journal of 1767 to present day Kilkenny People. You will also find some general local studies files in your local branch library.
Libraries are for everybody, especially for people who can't read very well and who would like to improve their skills, and for people who can't read at all. We help through our Literacy collections and by providing facilities for Adult Literacy tutorials.
Internet, www.kilkennylibrary.ie and Web OPAC etc.
We have 23 PC's for Public Internet Access between our branches. Our library website www.kilkennylibrary.ie incorporates our Library catalogue. Members of the Public can search the catalogue and view recommended titles. Library members can also view their account details and renew and reserve items. Microsoft Word and Excel are also available for Public use on a dedicated PC in each branch.
New Facility For The Visually Impaired etc.
A PC with document scanner, was introduced for the visually impaired and for readers with learning difficulties at Castlecomer Library . The software - which includes Kurzweil 1000 and 3000, Zoomtext Magnifier and JAWS - converts print to speech, enlarges print, highlights and rearranges text to suit the reader with learning difficulties.
Highlights of our 2004 Programme
Graiguenamanagh Library
As part of the Graig 800 celebrations President Mary McAleese and her husband visited Graiguenamanagh Library and met library members and staff. Other Graig 800 events in the Library included a Children's Art Competition and a painting of a Graig 800 mural in the Children's library. Graiguenamanagh Library was part of the Ceol and Craic, when it became the headquarters for the Leinster Fleadh Ceoil from the 9th/10th July.
Presidents Visit to Graig Library: Left to Right: Declan Macauley (Assistant Librarian), Majella Byrne (A/Senior Library Assistant),
Jim Fogarty (Co. Librarian), Joan Murphy (Graig 800 Committee), President McAleese, Martin McAleese,
Deirdre Joyce (Branch Librarian), Helen Breen-Allen
Castlecomer Library
During the year Pageturners Reading Group met each month in the library. Since it's inception, many books have been discussed and enjoyed. As part of the Bealtaine Festival in May, Daithi O'Hogain, Professor of Folklore at UCD gave a lecture entitled "Legends and Folklore of Ossory". The Library hosted a "Prepare for your Deb's night" on the 15th June. Library staff used the night to showcase the wide range of library stock, on fashion, beauty and hair care etc. While local beauticians, dress designers, jewellers and hairdressers did displays and demonstrations. A presentation took place on the 18th June for the Castlecomer Field Ambulance 1940-45. Fassadinin History Society presented 2 trophies and a photograph to Castlecomer Library. These were won by the local branch of the Castlecomer LDF ( Local Defence Force) in the Curragh Command Field Ambulance Championships of 1944 and 1945. They are on permanent display in the Library. "Old Days Old Ways", was an exhibition of the 1939 Folklore Commission National School Project, for the Castlecomer Area and the 2004 Modern day version, for Heritage Week
City Library
On June 10th the City Library staff hosted the annual "Word Aid night", an open evening for local Adult Literacy students and their tutors. To celebrate Bloomsday, there was a a James Joyce exhibition, which was launched by his grandnephew John Joyce and a raffle for a copy of Ulysses. The first issue of the City Library's newsletter was launched by Co. Librarian, Jim Fogarty on the 17th December, at the Xmas Coffee morning for customers.
Co. Librarian and the City Library Staff at the launch of the City Library's Newsletter. Left to Right: Mary Flannery,
Theresa Downey, Anita Raggett, Caitriona Kenneally, James Fogarty (Co. Librarian) and Kathleen Carroll
Loughboy Library
As part of the Abbey 100 celebrations, Abbey Director Martin Drury gave an enlightening and animated talk about J.M. Synge and the Playboy of the Western World, on July 20th. During Heritage week Pat Durcan of Birdwatch Ireland gave a talk and slideshow, to classes from local schools entitled "Wildlife and its Habitat" at Loughboy Library and also in Urlingford. There was also a Heritage Quiz for Primary School children in all branches.
Urlingford Library
To celebrate World Book Day, Urlingford Library hosted Michael Moylan's History Live Show for local schools, Gortnahoe and Glengoole. There was also storytelling with Jellybean Julie for younger children from Ballingarry, Lisnamrock, Glengoole, Mohober and Slieveardagh National Schools. While each branch of Kilkenny County Library Service held a free draw for a €20 book token, for anyone who visited the library on the day.
Thomastown Library
During November, Thomastown Library hosted "The Masterpiece Collection" exhibition which showcased the best of professional photography in Ireland. It included all photographs which were shortlisted for the Masterpiece Award - developed by Fuji Photo Film (Ireland) and the IPPA. There were 4 categories including Commercial, Portrait and Wedding.
Callan Library
Kilkenny Collective for Arts Talent was started by Camphill Community in 1996. Their publication Visible Visions was launched on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the founding of KCAT Art and Study Centre, Callan. The Centre focuses on ability rather than disability and recognises the importance of creativity and art in the lives of individuals. It was inspired by resident George McCutcheon and was originally an EU.
Horizon funded project. Copies of Visible Visions were presented to Callan library in November, 2004 and there are copies available in all Kilkenny branch libraries.
Kilkenny County Librarian Jim Fogarty, Assistant Librarian Brenda Ward, and Helen Phillips, Callan Branch Librarian are
presented with a set of KCAT Art books "Visible Visions", for all library branches.
Contributors included are Noortje van Deursen, Margaret Walker, Sinead Fahey, Jean Conroy, and Andrew Pike
Activities For Children
There were a host of Summer Activities for Children at all library branches during July and August. These included: puppet shows, nail art, drama workshops, storytelling, location drawing, calligraphy, picture frame making, willow weaving, Rebus - to name but a few. Three different Reading Clubs were run, all aimed at getting children to read as often and as widely as possible, during the out of school months. These were "Go Wild with your Reading", "The A-Z Reading Challenge" and "The Thermonaters -The Heat is on".
Children Book Festival 2004
In Kilkenny libraries, celebrations of this national event took place during the midterm break from 26th to 29th October. The programme was of a mix of storytelling, crafts, quizzes, samba music workshops and animals - pets, wild and exotic.
Publicity and Promotion
On Monday 15th November, The "Read Write Now" TV programme on Network 2 , featured the City Library, John's Quay. It showed Caitriona Kenneally, Senior Library Assistant, showing a library member how to set up a hotmail account on the Internet.
During the year, Co. Librarian, Jim Fogarty and Assistant Librarians Declan Macauley, Brenda Ward and Dorothy O'Reilly appeared on "Over to you in the studio" on KCLRFM to talk about the Library Service. While there were two window displays by the Library Service in St Canice's, Credit Union i.e. The Home and Garden theme display at Easter and the Children's Book Festival display in October. Library staff also gave presentations on the Library Service to Sevenhouses ICA Guild and to CBS Secondary School Pupils, for World Book day. In Piltown, the Library Service took a stand at the Iverk Show which generated a lot of interest.
Training Courses for Library Staff
Staff took part in the following courses during the year:
- Disability Awareness training Dealing with Aggression
- Facilitation, Access
- Arts and Crafts and Facepainting courses.
Local Studies 2004
The following were the highlights of 2004 in the area of Local Studies/genealogy.
Phase Two of the Cultural Heritage Project was launched in the Mansion House by Minister of the Environment, Dick Roche in December 2004. The project allows Public Bodies to disseminate and display their holdings in the heritage arena in a digitized format. Kilkenny County Library's entries were in the following areas:
- George Berkeley of Dysart Court
- Tighe Family and Woodstock Estate
- Woodstock Arboretum
- Woodstock Estate
- Woodstock House
You can access the entries under the Askabout Ireland site at www.askaboutireland.ie
Click places on the title page and access Kilkenny.
2005 marks the Centenary of the Publication of Canon William Carrigan's seminal work - "The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory". The County Librarian is an active member of the Committee formed to mark this important occasion. Among the activities planned for 2005 are:
- An Autumn commemorative seminar
- An index to his four volume work
- Ballyfoyle, his birthplace is planning a commemorative garden and monument
These initiatives have been made possible by generous funding from Kilkenny Local Authorities.
- Castlecomer Library in tandem with five local schools collected information on local folklore tradition in the Castlecomer area. This mirrored the National 1930's Folklore Collection, now housed in UCD. The collected projects were exhibited in the Library and later digitized by the Library and burnt on to CD-ROM for posterity. Copies were later presented to each school.
- The Library acquired archival material in connection with the destruction of Gathabawn Barracks in 1920. We also acquired a collection of local legal documents, wills, leases etc.
- The Library also acquired further issues of the Munster Express on microfilm. Our collections with some small omissions now run from 1900 to the present.
- From January 2005 all items used in our Local studies Department will be issued on our Library automated System. This will allow us to monitor usage and tailor our collections to public need.
Library Statistics 2004:
- 17,634 Registered Borrowers
- 307,684 Items loaned
- 7,702 Internet Access Sessions
Library Servuce Indicators 2004
No. of Items Issued Per Head of Population:
Books | 3.53 |
Other Items | 0.3 |
Kilkenny is a City and County teeming with creativity, imagination, ingenuity and skill. It is home to an array of highly talented and resourceful arts practitioners and organisations and we host an array of Arts events and festivals annually.
2004 was a very productive, vibrant and progressive year both in relation to the projects undertaken and for the arts office itself. Many of our events involved and invited both arts practitioners and the community at large.
Relocation of the Arts Office
Number 72 John Street was secured as a new space; it is situated prominently within the city giving us a much improved presence within the town. This is also extending the significance and credence of the arts and is an acknowledgement of the value and impact the arts has within our society. It enables us to organise and stage a more diverse range of activities and services, including, residencies, workshops, seminars, courses, exhibitions and improves access to our publicity files, arts magazines and catalogues for students and the general public.
Exhibitions and Community
One such event was our "Postcards from the Edge" exhibition staged in the link corridor of County Hall. We invited all and sundry to submit works of art in any media and on any theme. We had a fantastic response and attracted in excess of 4,000 entries clearly dispelling the notion that arts events only appeal to minority interests. Other exhibitions hosted in County Hall this year included Daithí Oh Uallachain - "Retrospective", "Crying Walls & Singing Trees" Rosalind Murray and Deirdre Idemma, "990 + 9" Paintings by Gabriella Eviston. August introduced our first direct collaboration with Kilkenny Arts Festival; VERGE. This was undertaken 'in recognition of the number of extraordinary artists active in and around Kilkenny whose work should be given greater profile, and who, should have a dedicated place within the Festival'. Fourteen local artists were featured in the 2004 festival programme. These were Ailis Phelan, David Beattie, Jean Conroy, Richard Coghlan, Patrick O'Connor, Steven Aylin, Brigid Teehan, Maria Casey and Alan Raggett from the Endangered Studios, Jimmy Meaney, Debra Bowden, Lucy McKenna, Collette O'Brien and Sian Price.
- Number 72 John Street staged "de fil en aguile".
- Etaoin Holahan undertook a six week residency in number 72. She engaged with members of staff from County Hall in order to create life size stencils of them. This culminated in an exhibition entitled "Staff".
- The Watergate Theatre, gallery Upstairs hosted 7 exhibitions in 2004.
- A Camera Obscura was developed by artist Saturio Alonso in Woodstock Gardens, Inistigoe, County Kilkenny. This was co funded by the Arts Office and the Planning and Environment department of the County Council.
The fifth edition of the Kilkenny Poetry Broadsheet was published and edited by highly acclaimed Leland Bardwell. The aim of these publications is to give local writers a platform for their work. We also hosted networking events for local writers and those interested in the arts in order to enable them to make connections, socialise and chat about their own practice and interests and that of others.
In February, Digger Doc and Dee-Dee, a production by Barnstorm was shown in the Watergate Theatre. The experience of attending high quality professional theatre like the Barnstorm productions should be part of all children's education. The Arts Office provided subsidies to a number of County based Schools to enable them to attend this production.
Red Kettle Theatre Company received funding to assist their 2004 schools tour.
The National Chamber Choir performed in Butler House and to celebrate Duiske 800 concerts were hosted in June including Finghan Collins, piano - Na Casaidigh, Sean O Se, Paddy Glackin and Leonard Barry and guests - The Goethe Choir, Peter Preudorgart, Christy Bolger. The continuation of the Duiske November Series saw, amongst others, Michael Collins, Cara O'Sullivan, the Carlow Youth Choir and Donal Lunny visit Graiguenamanagh in 2004. Kilkenny Music Club hosted their annual concert series including Camerata, Siobhan Armstrong harp and Brid Ni Mhaoilchiarain, Sean nos singer.
"The Cabinet of Dr Caligari" was screened in the Parade tower, Kilkenny Castle, with a live performance of a new soundtrack, composed and performed by Dublin based ensemble 3epkano.
Professional Development and Studios
With regard to our Studios, Residencies and Professional Development programme the Arts Office secured a license from Chesterbridge Developments Ltd in order to offer studio lets on the former Chadwicks site on the Hebron Road. This is a hugely successful project incorporating three student residencies on site, including Ormonde College of Art, National College of Art & Design and students from K.C.A.T. We also organized an open studios event for members of the public. Before vacating the site in December we had nine full time artists resident there. These were all at very different stages of their careers and activities flourished in this new found space. A website was also developed by the artists and arts officer; www.endangeredstudios.com
"Endangered" exhibition at new arts office space, August 2004
KCAT in Callan hosted an art and inclusion conference looking at past, present and future of special needs art projects in Ireland and the rest of Europe. We awarded bursaries in order to enable artists to attend. We also administered two bursaries to enable practitioners to attend the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in 2004. Our annual portfolio preparation course was as popular as ever. Over the duration of two days the students receive Portfolio Advice and Experience in Drawing from Life to guide and assist them in preparing for Art College. A Japanese woodblock printing workshop was organised and held in Grennan Mill, Thomaston. The Arts Officer also offers advice to practitioners on an individual basis.
Stewart Lyons, music + sound recordings at the endangered studios, October 2004
A series of debates co-produced by the Arts Office and the Butler Gallery concerning contemporary issues in the Arts. This creative and productive collaboration provided powerful, focused and inspirational debates, transforming expectations and citing shifts in thinking beliefs and doing. Our target audience to date has been the general public, artists, critics, students, educators etc. A second series of MOOT events are planned for 2005.
Arts Act Grants
A total of 22 Arts Act Grants were received by individuals, groups and organisations in the community assisting the development of the arts in a diverse range of art practices.
Contributions to Other Bodies
The Arts Office supports and contributes to other bodies - Rothe House, the Watergate Theatre, Barnstorm Theatre Company and Kilkenny Arts Festival.
Strategic Arts Plan
The development of an Arts Strategy for Kilkenny has been an ongoing process in 2004. Our vision for the future of the Arts in Kilkenny is paramount for us as a people and for our economy. Developments included an extensive public consultation targeting the general public. We focused on places of work, leisure, shopping centres, post offices, libraries, churches, dental and doctor's surgeries, community centres and colleges, taking on board the views of the general public. A consultant has been taken on to interpret the responses and outcomes of the meetings and research undertaken prior to and post consultation. This Strategy is a necessary tool for Kilkenny to develop its vision for the future of the Arts within the City and County. It will provide the framework within which the arts can develop and flourish into our future. By investing some thought Kilkenny and its population can only benefit from the development and implementation of this strategy. The security and development of the Arts is particularly important to local, national and international arts individuals and organisations, also community groups, local business and the general public. The development of the Strategy was regularly brought to the attention of the SPC 5 Committee. 2005 will see the culmination of all of our research, investigation and committee meetings.
The role of the Heritage Officer is to:
- promote heritage awareness & education.
- provide advice and information on heritage issues.
- manage the heritage function within the county in a strategic and co-ordinated manner.
- develop policies and priorities for the identification, protection, conservation and enhancement of Kilkenny's heritage.
- to establish and work with a Heritage Forum in the preparation and implementation of a County Heritage Plan.
Achievements by the Heritage Officer in 2004:
Heritage Awareness and Education
- Organised seminars (x3) and a field trip for Tidy Towns groups and heritage groups to provide advice on best practice in management of built, natural and cultural heritage, in conjunction with BNS LEADER.
- Organised county-wide Pride in Place Competition to promote and encourage best practice in natural and built heritage management in towns and villages around the county, in conjunction with BNS LEADER.
- Promotion of Heritage Council Heritage in Schools Programme.
- Co-ordinated and promoted Heritage Week activities throughout the county.
- Co-ordinated Kilkenny County Council involvement in the National Co-operation Ireland Pride of Place competition.
- Organised "Bat Walk & Talk" in Graiguenamanagh as part of Graig 800 celebrations.
- Input to Agenda 21 process.
Heritage Policy
- Reporting to Strategic Policy Committee 5 (Arts, Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Education) regarding heritage projects and programme.
- Input on heritage aspects of Local Area Plans. (Ballyhale, Knocktopher, Inistiogue, Ballyragget, Paulstown, Stoneyford, Mullinavat, Slieverue)
Physical Heritage Management Projects
- Co-ordinated Feasibility Study for a proposed Integrated Cultural Facility combining a museum and contemporary art gallery.
Promoting Best Practice in Heritage Management
- Ongoing liaison with Church of Ireland and Heritage Council re implementation of St. Mary's Church and Graveyard Conservation Plan.
- Ongoing liaison with Rothe House Trust to implement policies outlined in Conservation Plan and Business Plan.
- Ongoing input on Rothe House Garden Restoration Committee to oversee proposed restoration of medieval garden.
- Ongoing provision of advice to communities/individuals developing heritage initiatives and facilities.
- Liaision with Heritage Council regarding Newtown Jerpoint Conservation Plan.
- Input to implementation of Kilkenny City Walls Conservation Plan.
- Input on heritage aspects of proposed River Nore Walking Route, co-ordinated by BNS LEADER
- Liaising with National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (DoEHLG) programme re on-going architectural inventory for Kilkenny.
- Ongoing input to management of the Newpark Fen proposed Natural Heritage Area.
Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Native fauna in Kilkenny |
Windmill at Kells |
Ragged robin (lychnis flos-cucili) Native wildflower In Kilkenny |