The implementation phase of the County Development Boards Strategy for Economic, Social & Cultural Development is underway. This strategy was developed after the most extensive public consultation process that has ever taken place in Kilkenny. The County Development Board consisting of 28 members representing local political interests, local development interests, state agencies and social partnership have worked for two years on the preparation of this strategy. This document represents a determined commitment on behalf of the members of the board and their agencies to collaborate in order to deliver on behalf of the citizens and communities of County Kilkenny.
Four sub-committees responsible for the implementation of the plan are now up and running including SIM (Social Inclusion Measure's Group), Community Citizen & Wellbeing, Education, & Income Generation, with each committee responsible for specific actions.(for further information please contact www.kilkennycdb.ie)
Revitalising Areas by Planning, Investment and Development.
Kilkenny was selected as one of twenty towns around the country for priority attention under Strand II of the RAPID Programme. A Local Area Implementation Team
(AIT) has been established for the city made up of key players from agencies and communities with particular knowledge and expertise. The AIT are actively working towards the implementation of the RAPID Kilkenny Strategic plan in the 16 identified areas in the city. The plan is working towards combating community issues varying from education, health, youth, childcare and other community issues. Developments to date include the identification & prioritization of projects for new investment, through Local Service Integration, the Dormant Accounts, & the 4th Measure. Other developments include the support & integration of the identified communities into existing structures, training, development of an information strategy & the development of projects. The programme has a bottom up approach with a strong emphasis on community participation. (www.rapidkilkenny.ie)
Kilkenny County Council, in partnership with the Heritage Council, appointed a Heritage Officer in July 2003. The role of the Heritage Officer is to:
- manage the heritage function within the county in a strategic and co-ordinated manner.
- promote heritage awareness & education.
- provide advice and information on heritage issues.
- develop policies and priorities for the identification, protection, conservation and enhancement of Kilkenny's heritage.
- to establish and work with a Heritage Forum in the preparation and implementation of a County Heritage Plan.
The Heritage Plan will be a 5 year cross-sectoral strategy for heritage in County Kilkenny. The Plan will:
- collect and disseminate information on Kilkenny's heritage.
- establish a framework for the care and conservation of Kilkenny's heritage resource.
- raise awareness and appreciation of Kilkenny's heritage.
- source possible funding for heritage actions/projects.
The Heritage Plan will look at all aspects of Kilkenny';s heritage as defined by the National Heritage Act, 1995. These include:
- Archaeological objects.
- Landscapes.
- Heritage parks and gardens.
- Heritage objects.
- Seascapes.
- Inland waterways.
- Architectural heritage.
- Flora.
- Wrecks.
- Fauna.
- Wildlife habitats.
- Geology.
The Heritage Officer secured agreement from the Local Authority Management team, and the elected members of the Kilkenny Borough Council and Kilkenny County Council and the relevant Strategic Policy Committee in 2003 to establish a Heritage Forum. Work to establish the Forum and prepare the Heritage plan will continue in 2004.