Higher Education Grant Scheme
Kilkenny County Council pays Higher Education Grants to students attending approved courses in various Third Level Institutions. The 2002 scheme prepared by the Minister for Education was considered and adopted by the Higher Education Grants Committee in September 2002. A total of 272 students applied for grants for the first time in 2002. A further 514 students renewed their grants in 2002. Expenditure of €1,995,724 was incurred in 2002.
The closing date for receipt of Higher Education Grant Forms in 2002 was Friday, 30th August, 2002. An information evening was held in the Desart Hall in late September.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act, 1997 came into effect for local authorities from 21st October, 1998. Mr. James Gibbons, Administrative Officer was appointed Freedom of Information Officer in 2000. A total of 90 requests under the Act were received in 2002.
New Financial Management System (FMS)
Both Kilkenny County Council and Borough Council successfully implemented the final phase, Phase 3, of the FMS in late 2002. With the completion of this phase, the Council now has a fully integrated financial and management information system which will lead to improved budgetary control and accountability. 2003 will be the first year for which the Council will prepare Profit & Loss Account plus a Balance Sheet on the accruals basis.
- Revenue Collection figure for Rates in 2002 i.e. 94.2%