Lenght of Roads on 31st December, 2007
Kilometres | Miles | |
National Primary Roads | 147.8 | 91.9 |
National Secondary Roads | 68.3 | 42.4 |
Regional | 315.9 | 196.3 |
Local Roads | 2,532.2 | 1,573.5 |
Total | 3,064.2 | 1,904.0 |
Road Design / Construction / Improvement / Maintenance
The major schemes undertaken included:
M8/N8 Cullahill/Cashel - Substantial progress in relation to earthworks, culverts and structures was achieved in 2007 by the contractor SRB Civil Engineering Ltd.
N9/N10 Waterford to Knocktopher - Phase 2 Contract. Ascon Ltd., commenced work on site in January,2007 establishing their compound at Mullinavat. Good progress has been undertaken in relation to earth works and setting out for bridge construction etc.
N9 Phase 4 - Knocktopher to Powerstown - Archaeological resolution has commenced in advance of the main works and anticipation that a contractor will be appointed in early 2008.
N77 Kilkenny Ring Road Extension - Construction commenced in June 2005 and the road was officially opened on the 18th December 2007.
N25 Waterford to Glenmore. Public consultation in relation to constraints study was undertaken in September 2007 which will allow the identification of a study area for route options to be developed.
N77 Ballynaslee - Design ongoing in 2007.
N76 Tennypark to Brownstown - Design ongoing in 2007.
Kilkenny Eastern Environs - Ballybough Street. Contract underway in 2007.
Newpark Drive - Draft planning report completed. Revised Part 8 published in 2007 and adopted by the Council in April 2007.
Kilkenny Inner Relief Road - Design ongoing and indicative route set out.
R705 Graiguenamanagh Relief Road - Contract nearing completion and expected to be completed early in 2008.
N24 Mooncoin By Pass - Ground Investigation contract completed in 2007.
N77 Kilkenny Ring Road Extension
Development Charges
Following the Council's adoption of a new Development Contribution Scheme in 2003 a sum of €5.3m allocated to roads in 2007. In accordance with the Council's Development Contributions Scheme 40% of the Roads budget is allocated at area level, while 60% is allocated at full Council level.
Community Involvement in the Road Works Scheme
Total number of roads repaired | 21 |
Total length of roads repaired | 10 |
Total number of residents who benefited | 92 |
Total expenditure incurred | €880,201 |
Local Improvement Schemes
This scheme refers to non-public roads serving two or more separate agricultural holdings. A local contribution of at least 10% of the cost of improvement works required and the balance is charged to the Local Improvement Scheme grant from DOELG.
Total number of roads repaired | 23 |
Total length of roads repaired | 7.095 |
Total number of beneficiaries | 69 |
Total expenditure incurred | €667,162 |
Total value of local contributions | €90,180 |
Public Lighting
Kilkenny County Council maintains over 6,800 lights.
In 1996 a decision was taken to upgrade all public lighting in the county from Mercury to sodium lights and a contract was entered into with the E.S.B. to upgrade same and provide infill lighting to be funded over a five year period. The works were completed in May 2000. In 2004 Kilkenny County Council agreed to a four year programme for public lighting which is ongoing.
Service Indicators
- Area of local and regional surfaced dressed 795,398 sqm.
- % local and regional surface dressed: 6.039 %
Road Safety
- Road Safety Plan prepared in association with An Garda Siochana, the Road Safety Authority, Dept.of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government, National Roads Authority and other relevant agencies adopted by the Council in December 2007. The plan was prepared as part of a coordinated strategy to address the issue of road fatalities and serious injuries within the county.
- Road Safety Together Committee set up to review progress in relation to implementing the Road safety Plan.
- School Safety Programme adopted by the Council in 2007.
New Bridge constructed over N77 Ring Road Extension.