Kilkenny County Development Board (CDB) continues to focus on the co-ordinated and integrated delivery of services in the county. The 30 members of the board come from the Local Authority Sector, Local Development Sector, State Agency Sector and the Social Partners. Its membership is set out below:
Since 2003, one of the Board's core functions has been to oversee the delivery of an agreed 'Strategy for Economic, Social and Cultural Development' of Kilkenny County for 2002 - 2012. In 2005 a review of this strategy was undertaken. The purpose of this review was not to revise the 2002 - 2012 strategy but rather to focus on the key priorities and actions of the next three year cycle and to examine ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of service provision in Kilkenny city and county.
Resulting from this review Kilkenny CDB identified nine core actions which have the overriding aim of improving the existing co-ordination and delivery of public services at local level. Over the three year period 2006-2008 these collaborative priority actions will contribute to an increased strengthening of the effectiveness and efficiency of service provision in Kilkenny. Specific focused working groups have been established to progress the implementation of these prioritised actions.
The CDB is serviced by the Department of Community and Enterprise in Kilkenny County Council.
Kilkenny County Development Board 2007
SPC Chairs | Cllr. Tom Brennan |
Cllr. Paul Cuddihy | |
Cllr. John Brennan | |
Cllr. Pat Millea | |
Cllr. Ann Phelan | |
Cllr. Tom Maher | |
Cathaoirleach Co.Co | |
Borough Council | Cllr. Sean ÓhArgáin |
County Manager | Joe Crockett |
Barrow Nore Suir Rural Dev | Declan Rice |
(LEADER) | Joan Fitzpatrick |
Castlecomer District Community Development Network | Martin Carroll |
County Enterprise Board | Sean McKeown |
Yvonne Moriarty | |
Kilkenny Community Action Network (KCAN) |
Martin Rafter |
County Childcare Committee | Eileen Curtis |
Department of Education & Science | Jarlath Fallon |
Department of Social & Family Affairs | Michael Cummins |
Enterprise Ireland | Michael Dee |
FÁS | Des Shanley |
An Garda Síochána | Supt. Pat Mangan |
Health Services Executive (HSE) | Anna Marie Lanigan |
IDA Ireland | Celine McHugh |
Failte Ireland | Declan Murphy |
Teagasc | Loretto O'Driscoll |
VEC | Rodger Curran |
Business & Employees | David Culliton |
Community & Voluntary | Breda McDonald |
Fr. Nicholas Flavin | |
Farming Sector | Seamus Phelan |
Trade Unions | Phil Funchion |
The RAPID Programme
The RAPID Programme is a focused Government response aimed at helping communities living in areas, which have not fully shared in our recent prosperity. RAPID stands for Revitalising Areas by Planning, Investment and Development. As the name implies RAPID is about prioritising in a coherent, targeted and accelerated way, new and improved services and infrastructural investment to the communities living in RAPID areas. The RAPID process co-ordinated by the Kilkenny Local Authorities in partnership with existing agencies and community groups continues to work towards identifying real needs through community participation.
The Kilkenny RAPID programme continues to strategically target investment into the identified RAPID areas in Kilkenny City, examples of investment in 2007 includes, Dormant accounts, the provision of recreational amenities, estate enhancements, traffic calming, community services, buildings and community supports Sports Capital grants, r Since the programmes inception a total over 90 projects have been endorsed by the RAPID Area Implementation Team. The RAPID programme has now entered a new phase building on the strengths and achievements of the programme to date and facilitating RAPID to be more effective into the future, seven strategic themes have been identified that will enable the programme to operate in a more focused, targeted and results based approach. These themes are Health, Community Safety & Anti Social Behaviour, Family Support, Physical Environment, Youth Support, Education Employment and Training. You can find further information on the programmes activities and recent new investment announcements on the Kilkenny County Council website or on www.rapidkilkenny.ie
Multi-use Games Area, Garringreen, Kilkenny