The seven fire brigades in Kilkenny County Council Fire Service were mobilised over 1,000 times in 2006. The average time to turn out a fire engine from the time the call was received was 5.9 minutes. The fire service was in attendance at 43.33% of emergencies within 10 minutes of being called, 42.50% within 20 minutes and 14.17% in over 20 minutes.
The Fire Service went into the Eastern Regional Control Centre on the 7th November 2006 and closed down the Control Room in Kilkenny City Fire Station. The three Control Room Operators were made redundant.
The fire service had to deal with a number of incidents with acetylene cylinder involved in fires in workshops. This entailed provision of fire cover on the ground for over 24 hours. Persons had to be evacuated and a constant jet of water had to be kept on the acetylene cylinder for the 24 hours.
The Fire Service attended a major fire in Hotel Kilkenny involving five of the seven Brigades in the County. There were also a number of major Road Traffic Accidents during the year.
Fire fighters tackling a chimney fire at Castle Blunden |
House fire at Johnswell, Kilkenny |
Acetylene cylinder at workshop fire at Legan, Thomastown |
- A one day refresher on First Aid and Trauma was held for 7 no. firefighters in April 2006.
- A one day Breathing Apparatus course was held for all firefighters in March 2006.
- A one week Pump Operator/Drivers course was held for 5 no. firefighters in September 2006.
- All firefighters subsequently passed the driving test first time.
- Senior and Junior Officer training was ongoing during 2006.
The courses that officers attended are as follows :-
- Operational Command Course (Development)
- Road Traffic Accident Course; Unit II Course
- Fire Safety Engineering Course
- Hazmat Course
- Operational Command Course
- Unit I Course
- Media Handling Course
- Fire Services Council Seminars.
The Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Killian Hennessy achieved a Masters Degree in Fire Science during 2006.
Purchase of Vehicles and Equipment
One second hand jeep was purchased to replace a 20 year old jeep. A class B water tender was purchased for Freshford fire brigade. The appliance was delivered in the final quarter of 2006. Approval was given by the DOEHLG to go to Tender for and purchase another new Class B Fire Engine. This was tendered for in late 2006 and ordered in early 2007. It should be delivered in the third quarter of 2007.
Approval was granted by the DOEHLG to go to tender for new Road Traffic Accident equipment for all seven Fire Stations. The tender was advertised and tenders received by the end of 2006.
The new Fire Station in Freshford was begun and it was hoped it would be finished by the end of December. However delays occurred and it is hoped that the Fire Brigade will into the new Station by the end of March/early April 2007.
Drawings and tender documentation were prepared for the new Fire Station in Castlecomer. These were sent to the DOEHLG. There have been ongoing discussions regarding the documentation.
Fire Safety
Fire Safety awareness was promoted during National Fire Safety Week through visits to schools, radio interviews on the local radio station and press releases to the local newspapers. Fire Safety was also promoted through Kilkenny Local Authority's advertising feature on the Kilkenny People. The fire safety awareness campaign through the local radio station in conjunction with Carlow Fire Service on a monthly basis started in March of this year. Senior fire officers from Kilkenny and Carlow Fire Services gave regular interviews on the local radio station with respect to promoting fire safety.
School visits to the fire station. - Regular school visits are arranged to the fire station on Wednesdays each week. Over 400 primary school children visited the fire station in 2006. Each visit would last for approx. 45 minutes. Children would be shown around the fire station and would be given life saving tips with respect to fire safety. Each child would also be given fire safety literature and a pencil with a fire safety message. In addition a number of photographs would be taken of the visit and would be entered into the Fire Service website.
Fire Safety Certificates and Inspections
A total of 231 fire safety certificates were received and 221 applications were processed. Over 40 licensed premises were inspected under the licensing act. This involved a number of inspections of the premises and giving evidence to the court. Over 300 licensing applications were processed. A total of 12 no. nursing homes were inspected and assessed. All relevant planning applications were sought by the fire service and the planning authority were advised of our requirements.
At Christmas Kilkenny County Council Fire Service and the ambulance service from St. Luke's Hospital raised over €12,000 for two local charities. In addition during the year Kilkenny County Council Fire Service were involved in a very successful fundraising event for REHAB involving the washing of cars.
Kilkenny Civil Defence
2006 Statistics
Total Volunteer Strenght | 75 |
Total Cost to Local Authority per Volunteer | 1.25 E/diem |
Total Community Support Events | 29 |
Total Community Support Man Days by volunteers | 175 |
Total No. of Training nights | 55 |
Total Number of Personnel attending Training nights | 420 |
Total No. of Training Exercises | 20 |
Total Training Exercise Man-days by volunteers | 300 |
Total Operational Emergency Call-outs | 5 |
Main Events of 2006
- Seventh Annual Charity Walk on Brandonhill for Volunteers.
- Civil Defence Board Advanced Leadership Course for Volunteers.
- Leadership Training in Graiguenamanagh in February.
- Kilkenny members attend Search skills course in Roscrea.
- Search and Rescue exercise at Jerpoint hill Thomastown area.
- Two day Water Search and Rescue course on Lough Derg.
- South East Region Leadership course in Graiguenamanagh.
- Community Support for St. Patricks Day Parades.
- A.F.S. Instructor trained at Fire Brigade Training Centre in Cork.
- Summer Camp for Volunteers in Portumna.
- Kilkenny vols. attend stand down of Civil Defence school in Dublin.
- Community support for Kilkenny hurling team homecoming ceremonies.
- Kilkenny volunteers attend opening ceremony of new H.Q. in Roscrea.
- Community support for Ballytobin open day.
- Provision of Winter flood relief assistance in Inistioge.
- Visit of 10 Isle of Man Volunteers to Kilkenny.
- A.E.D. Course provided for Kilkenny volunteers.
- Operational Land and River search for missing person in Waterford.
- Participation in Hospital Emergency Exercise with Fire-Service in October.
- Annual Christmas Exercise in Graiguenamanagh.