This page includes the following sections:
Kilkenny County Library Service exists to make a difference. It is active in creating a better place to live, work and learn. Services and collections are developed to reflect Community needs.
Service Points:
- Callan
- Castlecomer
- City Library, John's Quay
- Library Headquarters and Local Studies
- Graiguenamanagh
- Loughboy
- Mobile Service
- Schools' Service
- Thomastown
- Urlingford
- Kilkenny County Library
- NIB Building, 6 Rose Inn Street, Kilkenny
Phone: (056) 779 4160
Fax: (056) 779 4168
Library Stock
Kilkenny County Library Service continues to evolve from traditional book lending to providing access to a world of information and lifelong learning in a multitude of formats, to people from all walks of life.
2006 saw an increased annual book fund of €230,000 for the users of our services. Apart from the traditional books, we also offer users Newspapers, magazines, CD's, Cassettes, DVD's, videos, Audio books, Large print books, language courses in book and CD-ROM format.
Kilkenny City Library supports social inclusion by offering its multicultural users language courses, international magazines, and a dedicated world book collection which consists of books in languages such as Polish, Russian, French, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Czech.
A generous grant of €37,000 from the Disability Grant Fund 2006 allowed us to greatly enhance our audio book collection for both children and adults.
Service Developments
New Library and Information System: We introduced a new web-based Library and Information Management System called Horizon to replace Genesis.
Automation: Callan Library was fully automated during 2006 and automation of the Schools' service is well underway.
Resources: We have 24 public internet access PCs throughout the county. Access is available in each branch to the following:
- OSI Historic Maps from the period of 1837-1913,
- Microsoft Word and Excel.
- ZoomText Magnifier(enlarges and enhances everything on your computer screen).
- Jaws screen reader (provides access to software applications and the Internet. Information from the screen is read aloud.)
- Kurzweil 1000 (provides visually impaired users access to printed and electronic materials. Printed documents and digital files (such as email) are converted from text to speech and read aloud).
- Kurzweil 3000 scanning and reading software for dyslexia & literacy which can be used to read web pages and printed material.
ECDL is available on a Public PC at Urlingford. The Driver Theory Test is available for practice runs in Urlingford and Loughboy libraries. Links to four International News Portals have been added to our website, www.kilkennylibrary.ie , so users can keep up to date on happenings in almost any country around the world.
On-line Catalogue: Members of the Public can search our catalogue online, at www.kilkennylibrary.ie , which lists all books available throughout the county. In addition, library members can access their accounts, check items on loan and renew and reserve items. The website also features a separate Children's Catalogue, with colourful graphics.
Highlights of our 2006 Programme
Readiscover your Library and Library Ireland week coincided during the month of March. Kilkenny celebrated by hosting:-
- Traditional Irish Music and dancing concert in Graiguenamanagh library.
- John Masterson, Writer, producer and columnist talked about his ideas on the media in Loughboy branch.
- Liz Weir enthralled children in John's Quay, Loughboy, Castlecomer and Urlingford branches with her storytelling.
- Executive Librarian, Declan MacAuley promoted our gardening books with a talk and demonstration entitled 'Your Garden in Springtime' in Thomastown branch.
- Exhibition of paintings by Lithuanian artist Ema Vapsviene was held in Castlecomer.
- Window display in St. Canice's Credit Union, Kilkenny City.
Summer Programme for Children
Our 'Time2Read' Scheme kept 130 children actively reading throughout the summer months, with presentations made to all participants in September by Anne Phelan, Chairperson of SPC5.
Children's Book Festival 2006
This year's Children's Book Festival saw renowned authors Malachy Doyle, John Quinn and David Donohue, and storyteller Niall De Burca in Urlingford Branch extraordinaire, Niall De Burca visit our county. All branches had at least two visits, Activities were successful, with 404 children participating in sessions such as which were run in conjunction with the local "What's The Story? Read all about it!" workshop. This introduced children to schools. These were a huge success, as the joys of story writing, illustration and cover design. always.
Barnstorm Theatre treated the younger children to a storytime feast (some at bedtime) in Callan, Thomastown, Loughboy, John's Quay and Graiguenamanagh libraries. The children put in a big effort, coming dressed for bed with their teddies and pillows.
Children also enjoyed Autumn Harvest Craft workshops, Rhyme and Rap for Teenagers, Animal Character Ceramic painting, and a fancy dress competition.
Adult Services
Monthly meetings of our two adult reading groups continued to provide an opportunity for the social interaction of booklovers for 'Pageturners' in Castlecomer branch, and 'Riveting reads' in Loughboy branch.
Kilkenny County Library continues to support Adult literacy, with dedicated collections available in City, Castlecomer and Urlingford branches.
Being central to the community, our branches provide venues for Adult Literacy Tutorials, Local History and Active retirement group activities, a homework club (Urlingford), Citizen's Information, County Council Housing and Planning Clinics, and Arts festival events.
Publicity and Promotion
Kilkenny County Library featured regularly in local papers, The Kilkenny People, The Kilkenny Voice, Kilkenny Advertiser and Kilkenny Weekender. Interviews were done on local radio KCLR96fm with: Edwina Grace, Sue Nunn, Emer Foley and Adi Oke.
Two members of staff took a stand to the annual Iverk show, and spoke to over 200 people about our services.
We also had articles published in Irish Library News and had Credit Union window displays in Kilkenny City, Castlecomer and Urlingford.
Callan Library
It was the end of an era this year in Callan Library, with use of the manual library system finishing and the introduction of the new automated system. Pictured on the right is Robert Little from Barnstorm entertaining the young with a story at bedtime during Children's Book Festival.
Castlecomer Library
Ongoing activities such as Toddler Story time and craft, Kindermusic classes and Pageturners reading club for adults continued successfully this year. The toddler group created a 'Paperworks' project with artist Polly Minett.
The School visits programme continued with four local primary schools participating. Book Buddies Children's Book Club took part in Book Shadowing for the Bisto Book Awards, and created and sold their own Fairytale newsletter, raising money for The Grace Nolan Foundation.
Exhibitions included: Display on a local Victoria Cross recipient, paintings exhibition by Lithuanian artist Ema Vapsvienne, Cultural Heritage exhibition and Aborigine Art.
Graiguenamanagh Library
Author visits included Stephanie Dagg and John Quinn. Class visits continued throughout the year, Re-discover your library was celebrated with an afternoon of traditional Irish music and song in the library courtesy of the Graiguenamanagh Comhaltas.
Readers and writers weekend in March provided workshops in the library on how to get your books published and there was a storytelling session for the younger children
History Society held a number of talks in the library, covering topics such as 'The Geography of the Blackstairs'.
Exhibitions included: historic postcards depicting Graiguenamanagh and the surrounding areas from the early-mid 20th Century during Heritage week, Aboriginal Art, exhibitions of paintings from a local art classes, and displays by John Joyce, local artist and historian.
City Branch, John's Quay
The City Library was revamped during 2006, with a wheelchair accessible toilet built in. Primary School library tours continued throughout the year.
A successful fund-raising coffee morning was run in aid of Daffodil day.
During Heritage week, the branch displayed a collection of historic postcards depicting the local area from the early-mid 20th Century. Other displays included, 'Put your Stamp on it' exhibition of postage stamps created by local children during the 'Kids in Space' summer camp, and oil paintings by Frances Roche and Catherine Bogue.
Loughboy Library
Riveting Reads adult book club and toddler story time continued monthly in the branch. The Library hosted authors Malachy Doyle and Liz Weir, and columnist John Masterson. Staff ran creative Christmas card making class for children.
Thomastown Library
The library arranged a display of publications on local areas to celebrate Heritage week. Executive Librarian, Declan MacAuley gave a demonstration and talk on using gardening books to adults in March. During Children's Book festival, local primary schools enjoyed interactive sessions with authors David Donohue and John Quinn. A number of storytelling sessions for young children took place over the year also.
Urlingford Library
Urlingford Library celebrated 10 years service to the community with an open day and unveiling of a beautifully crafted piece of Bog Oak, on Friday November 3rd.Approx 250 people from all walks of life attended. There was tremendous local support and the library was a hive of activity all day. During 2006, authors Tony Hickey, Lucinda Jacob, Liz Weir and Niall De Burca visited and spoke to students from five local primary schools. The staff also held story- times, a Patchwork exhibition, Word Aid Display and a Colour me Beautiful evening for Johnstown VEC students.
Urlingford Staff pictured with the birthday cake include: Eddie Mullally, Annette Purcell,
Kathleen Cronin (former staff member), Mary Morrissey and Helen Fitzpatrick
Mobile Service
Our mobile library continues to serve both urban and rural communities throughout the county, with over 65 stops every three weeks. It stocks over 3,700 items from books to CD's.
Schools' Service
The schools service visited over 90 schools throughout the county three times a year, providing block loans to classes. It also holds a dedicated Teacher's Collection.
Local Studies
2006 as always was a busy year in the Local Studies' Section. The Library continued to expand and diversify both its stock and its range of services to the public at large. Highlights included:
The Ordnance Survey of Ireland is now available online in the Local Studies' section. Among the many historical maps available, the most important are;
- 6 inch, colour 1837-1842
- 6 inch greyscale 1837-1842
- 25 inch greyscale 1887-1913
These maps cover the whole Republic of Ireland. Access to Northern Ireland is planned in the near future. The site can be accessed at www.osi.ie in the Local studies section or in any of our branches. There is no charge for this service.
The Library service has changed its computer system to HORIZON. The online HORIZON system is now being used in the Local Studies' section to both issue and return items. This will allow us both to offer a higher quality of service and monitor usage. We are at present re-indexing our Local studies periodicals using the package. Our holdings can be accessed at www.kilkennylibrary.ie
The Library continued its outreach services during the year doing familiarisation talks for both second-level and mature students.
To mark National Heritage Week the Library mounted two exhibitions of historic postcards in our City and Graiguenamanagh Branches, themes were the river Nore in times past and Graiguenamanagh and the river Barrow respectively.
Ballyogan Cross, Graiguenamanagh
The Library continued with its active policy of collecting all items of Kilkenny Interest, among these were the Kilkenny People and Munster Express for 2005 and the Old Kilkenny Review for 2006.
An item of particular interest is the 'Catechismus' of Theobald Stapleton who was born in Kilkenny. The original Catechism was printed in 1639 and is the first printing of the Irish language in Roman type.
Statistics: 2007 :
- 304,952 Items loaned.
- 20,671 Internet Access Sessions.
Kilkenny City and County has an extensive, illustrious and spirited tradition within the Arts. It is somewhat of a Mecca for artists, makers and those interested in culture and creativity. The Arts continue to be a significant ingredient in Kilkenny largely contributing to the progression of the social, cultural, creative, economic, and political future of Kilkenny.
The Kilkenny Arts Office programme over recent years reflects this in its support for the arts and professional development for all practitioners. The programme focuses on the visual arts, literature, music, theatre, multi- disciplinary events, young people and the community.
2006 was, yet again, a very productive, vibrant and progressive year with a number of ambitious and high profile projects taking place.
Exhibitions and Residencies
The Arts Office continued its commitment to the visual arts and organised a busy programme of exhibitions in the Upstairs Gallery in Watergate Theatre and No. 72, John Street, Kilkenny. These venues offer artists platforms to expose their work not only to the 'gallery visitor' but they also catch the chance interaction of those who would not normally visit a gallery space.
The Arts Office hosted fifteen exhibitions and two residencies across four venues in 2006. Exhibitions included solo and group shows and by both established and emerging artists. Recent exhibitions include From Here to There, a mixed media exhibition including installation, painting, sculpture, and drawing by the Kilkenny based Endangered Artists group, Nicky Hooper's Seven Dog's (one of which is shown in image above), large scale paintings, and Tr asnaiocht detailing subject such as urban sprawl, illegal dumping and transport from artist Tony Gunning. No. 72 also featured Up Under Down Over an exhibition from KCAT artists, Callan, and the DADAA artists, Australia. This show also travelled to Australia in 2006.
Two visual artists' residencies focusing on Drawing and Papermaking with artists Patrick O'Connor and Polly Minett were undertaken from October to December 2006. Artist's residencies are extremely important as they enable us to expose communities and the general public to the ways that artists work and giving them a 'look' into their studios. They also tend to have a lasting impact on the artists themselves often encouraging substantial shifts in their work and or in the direction of their practice. Overall they also offer artists that much needed period of contemplation and reassessment
Notable literature events have once again taken place through the Arts Office in 2006. Issue six of the Kilkenny Poetry Broadsheet edited by Peter Denman, Dean of Arts in Maynooth selected poems from writers within the city and county. The culmination of this was the publication of an A1 Broadsheet featuring twelve poems. Writing workshops were also undertaken by Peter Denman with the Broadsheet participants. The content of these were discussions of contemporary poetry, submitting for publication, reading poetry in public and writing exercises.
The second edition of Rhyme Rag, a poetry publication specifically for young people aged between 12 and 21 years, was published in November. All expectations were exceeded when 250 poems were submitted by 218 writers making the editors decision a good read but a difficult choice. Due to its success an accompanying exhibition of poetry, with illustrations by Ale Mercado, complemented the publication. Writing workshops with editor Rosemary Canavan were also availed of by participants. These workshops were entitled 'How to be a Poet' and discussed content 'The Excited Eye', experimenting with the use of the senses in writing, 'Taking Risks', discussed the extreme forms of language and in particular the magical use of metaphor and 'Free Verse?' which looked at ways of shaping poems.
Both literature projects have been hugely successful and were commended in the top ten arts events of 2006 by the Kilkenny People.
In February 'The Biggest Adventure in the World', a production by Barnstorm Theatre Company, was shown in the Watergate Theatre. The experience of attending high quality professional theatre like the Barnstorm productions should be part of all children's education. The Arts Office provided subsidies to a number of County Kilkenny based schools to enable them to attend this production.
The Arts Office supports a number of concerts over the course of 2006 around the County. These include classical and traditional concerts at the 13th century Duiske Abbey, the 2006 Duiske concerts series featuring Altan to great applause, the RTE Concert Orchestra at St. Canice's Cathedral. Support was also provided to Kilkenny Music Club staging events in Castalia Hall in Ballytobin, Callan and Camerata Ireland in St Canices Cathedral. Traditional Irish music group SLIDE, a powerhouse quartet of traditional musicians with attitude, took to the stage in the Parade Tower, Kilkenny Castle rounding off music events in 2006.
Multi-Disciplanary Events
2006 multi disciplinary events included 3Epkano, who performed live music accompaniment to classic 1920's films with support from Dublin band The Ruby Taillights and up and coming Kilkenny band A Safe Dry Place. ReProduction, a focussed weekend of events including performances, installations, films, dancers, DJs and visual arts by both national and internationally based artists took place during the Kilkenny Arts Festival. This event was co curated by Mary Butler, Arts Officer and Louise Allen education curator at the Butler Gallery. It was described as a 'wild experience of untammed, bizzare and curious art'. The event was also commended by the Arts Council for its daring initiative and aspects also featured in the Kilkenny Peoples top ten arts events of 2006.
Young People and the Community
The Arts Office works with others to help bring the arts closer to local communities'. Projects were undertaken within a variety of community settings and contexts. These 'broaden and enrich participation' and also serve to 'enhance audiences'. Glue Factory facilitated Handmade Sound Workshops in the Workhouse in Callan with fifty two school children. Throughout activities the children built a series of exotic instruments from common objects. They made African thumb pianos crafted from coat hangers, a primitive synthesizer put together with parts from old cars and bicycles and even a hanging piano made with buckets and wire. These instruments were used in the performance 'Chasing Ostinato' devised by Glue Factory which led audiences through the old Workhouse, exploring the space through the instruments and installations fashioned out of buckets, piano wire, car alternators and a sewing machine.
The Arts Office believes that the experience of participating in high quality professional workshops should be part of all children's education. For this reason Puppetry, Storytelling and Craft Activity Workshops with Smadar O'Connor to ten Community Childcare groups in Kilkenny City and County took place during the months of October, November and December 2006. These workshops for children aged 3 to 5 years captured and developed the imagination of the child by introducing them to the art of traditional story telling and visual and sensory images in helping them to invoke their imaginations.
Professional Development
Following on from the success of the series of Professional Development Workshops hosted in 2005, the 2006 programme was presented in October and November. These activities were organised once again in partnership the Butler Gallery. The aim of these courses is to broaden the knowledge and skills of arts practitioners. The courses were focussed on addressing the needs of individual practitioners, groups and organisations. The professional development series is also informed by the research undertaken as part of the Local Authority Partnership Initiative: ArtLinks, a Forum for artists of all disciplines. Workshops included a Painting Masterclass, Web Design, Traditional Arts Discussion and two seminars from Chrysalis Arts, UK, an artist-led arts development agency on Commissioning an Artist and Community Participation.
'5 to 6' Kilkenny Womens Art Project
2006 saw the continuation of the very successful '5 to 6' Kilkenny Womens Art Project, an inclusive arts based programme accessible to all women, based in Dean Street, Kilkenny. Working in conjunction with the Butler Gallery and sixteen other agencies, this project provides life long learning by supporting womens development at a personal, social, cultural, political and ecomomic level and continues to forge links with the wider community. The project aims to address issues of gender, equality, value, community, self esteem and empowerment through the arts. The arts can be used as a tool for learning and as a mechanism to address sensitive issues in a safe, creative and relaxed environment.
Kilkenny County Council's Arts Office in collaboration with the Butler Gallery presented 'MOOT IV', the fourth in a series of discussions and seminars in February and March 2006.
In the run up to the MOOT IV discussion "reel to digital : focus on film" a number of events showcasing film shorts and feature length films by Irish and International film makers were screened. These included digital film shorts from the Darklight film festival 2005 and the Young Irish Film Makers. 'Leisure Center' a film short by the Desperate Optimists and Pavee Lackeen by Perry Ogden were screened at the Kilkenny Cineplex to a sell out audience.
The MOOT IV -"reel to digital : focus on film" panel discussion highlighted the richness and creativity of Irish film and the challenges faced by organisations and individuals in terms of access to funding and opportunities for film release nationally and internationally. MOOT IV also considered the growth of the digital film industry and examined the increasingly blurred divisions between film makers and artists.
Kilkenny city has a vibrant and active film industry. Numerous independent film makers and organisations such as the Young Irish Film makers, Cartoon Saloon and Glass Eye productions are based in Kilkenny City and County. This discussion provided invaluable contact with notable film panalists including Lelia Doolan, Nicky Gogan - Darklight Film Festival, Joe Comerford - Puddle Films, Jane Doolan - Mammoth Films/ Film Consultant Specialist to the Arts Council, Noemi Ferrer - Irish Film Board and Joe Lawlor and Christine Molloy - Desperate Optimists.
MOOT is a continuous creative process providing a forum for powerful, focused and inspirational debates and discussion on a variety of subject matters. These events will, potentially, transform expectations, citing shifts in attitudes, perceptions and beliefs.
As part of the research into ArtLinks a very successful Artist's Exchange Day was held in the Parade Tower, Kilkenny in May 2006 which was attended by some 120 artists of all disciplines. In addition to identifying the professional development needs of artists, research was also undertaken into national and international best models of practice and a strategy for the establishment of Artlinks - professional development services for artists of all disciplines - was completed in 2005.
ArtLinks is based on a partnership between the Arts Departments of Local Authorities in the counties of Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford, Wicklow and Wexford, the Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon and artists from these counties. ArtLinks aims to provide accessible opportunities for artists from the five participating counties to gain skills, knowledge and understanding and provide the necessary supports they need to develop their work practices and careers.
Its services will include networking and information exchange, incorporate regional artist exchange days, peer support groups, publications, the development of a comprehensive website comprising of a 'what's new' section, advice pages regarding professional development for artists, an e- mail notification service, a facility for artists to upload information about themselves, a chatroom for artists etc.
These services will be rolled out during 2007 together with the appointment of a fulltime ArtLinks Director based in Kilkenny County Council Arts Office.
Grants, Awards & Bursaries
Various groups and projects secured funding from the Arts Office in 2006. The Arts Act Grants were received by individuals, groups and organisations in the community assisting the development of the arts in a diverse range of art practices. Applications were also invited for the Tyrone Guthrie Centre Regional Bursary Scheme, a two week residency in Annaghmakerrig for practitioners in all art forms, of which two Kilkenny writers were accepted. Three Research to Exhibit Bursaries and two Dingle Writing Bursaries were also awarded. The Facilitation Award was newly administrated in 2006 with a view to encourage artists to develop their practice, to further their careers and to enable practitioners to feed their own professional development trends.
Contributions to Other Bodies
The Arts Office supports and contributes to other bodies including Rothe House, the Watergate Theatre, Barnstorm Theatre Company and Kilkenny Arts Festival.
Strategic Arts Plan
2006 also saw the publication of the Kilkenny Arts Strategy 2005-2009. The development and implementation of the arts strategy is imperative to ensure a prosperous and successful arts environment within Kilkenny City and County. Effective and meaningful strategies for the arts can only be implemented through partnership with the artistic community. The practitioner is central to the effective implementation of any arts strategy and will play a critical role in any future developments within the sector. The overall aim of this strategy is to consolidate and strengthen the arts sector in Kilkenny in practical and quantifiable ways. The strategy also seeks to communicate and further develop the core values that underpin the arts in Kilkenny.
LAMA Award
Kilkenny County Council's Arts Office and complementary space situated at No. 72, John Street, was shortlisted for a prestigious LAMA Award (Local Government , City & County Awards) in the category of Best Arts Building.
"No. 72 John Street plays a vital role in engaging the art loving community of Kilkenny," says Anna O'Sullivan, Director of the Butler Gallery, Kilkenny. "The building acts as a resource to artists countywide and its well-run gallery space operates a lively visual arts program of wide appeal."
Rosaleen Molloy, County Arts Officer, Wexford County Council emanates the support and recognition of regional Arts Offices in her words "Kilkenny arts office is a worthy recipient for this award for a number of reasons including the strategic location of the office being positioned within the heart of the city as well as being in very close proximity to the main Local Authority campus and the versatile service of the office in providing an excellent accessible exhibition, residency and workshop space as well as a spacious administrative base. This model of a Local Authority administrative base providing a dual purpose in serving the community has set a standard for other Local Authorities to aspire to."
Art Heritage Calender
To take us creatively into 2007 the Arts Officer collaborated with the Heritage Officer to create an Art Heritage Calendar for 2007. The calendar will not only provide an attractive, practical and functional piece of office equipment! But we also undertook this project in order to promote the arts and heritage services of Kilkenny County Council and to raise awareness of the diversity of Kilkenny's arts sector and of the heritage sector. This calendar will also raise awareness of the link s between art and heritage.
The selection of activities above highlights the breadth of undertakings by the Arts Office on an annual basis. These serve:
- To motivate, inspire and empower practitioners in the sector,
- To encourage and inspire enthusiasm for the arts and to promote it as a valuable, positive and worthwhile activity for all,
- To ensure city and county synergy within the arts by encouraging local arts and city to county events,
- To broaden participation through increased audience and practitioner involvement,
- and through partnerships and linkages.
County Kilkenny Heritage Office
The role of the Kilkenny County Council Heritage Office is to provide advice and information on heritage issues and to develop policies and priorities for the identification, protection, conservation and enhancement of Kilkenny's heritage. A key objective is to work with the Kilkenny Heritage Forum in the preparation and implementation of a County Heritage Plan. In addition, the office promotes heritage awareness & education throughout the county.
Below is an overview of some of the works undertaken by the Heritage Office in 2006:
Heritage Plan & Heritage Forum
- Established Kilkenny Heritage Forum
- Produced Draft Kilkenny Heritage Plan 2007-2011. Draft Approved by Management Team, Kilkenny Borough Council, Kilkenny County Council, Strategic Policy Committee 1, Strategic Policy Committee 3, Strategic Policy Committee 5
Raising Awareness about Heritage
- Co-ordinated and promoted National Heritage Week activities throughout the county.
- Promotion of Heritage Council "Heritage in Schools" Programme.
- Produced Kilkenny Local Authorities "Art Heritage Kilkenny - Celebration & Inspiration 2007" Calendar, in partnership with the Arts Office.
- Published "Kilkenny's Living Heritage Postcards".
- Organised Childrens Heritage Art Competition.
Heritage Training
- Co-ordinated "Historic Graveyard Management Training Seminar" for community groups, graveyard committees, local authorities and statutory agencies.
Collection of Heritage Data
- Audit of natural heritage data for County Kilkenny.
Heritage Policy
- Reported to Strategic Policy Committee 5 (Arts, Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Education) regarding heritage projects and programme.
- Input on heritage aspects of Local Area Plans.
Physical Heritage Management Projects
- Co-ordinated the Historic Graveyard Grants Scheme, in partnership with Environment Section of Kilkenny County Council.
- Received Failte Ireland funding for restoration of Rothe House Mediaeval Garden.
- Conservation roofing and repairs, Callan Workhouse.
- Conservation works, Dungarvan church & graveyard.
- Kilkenny City Walls (Black Freren Gate) Engineering & Stabilisation Report.
Promoting Best Practise in Heritage Management
- On-going implementation of "St. Mary's Church and Graveyard Conservation Plan", in partnership with the Church of Ireland and the Heritage Council
- On-going implementation of "Kilkenny City Walls Conservation Plan"
- On-going implementation of Rothe House Conservation Plan
- Commissioned Management Plan for Clara Graveyard