Cllr. Teresa Mullen,
It has been a great honour and privilege for me to have been elected as the first Independent Chairperson of Kilkenny County Council. I take great pleasure in introducing the Annual Report for 2002. The past year has been exceptionally busy and I have had first hand experience of the wide range of activities in which the Council is involved and how the work we do affects the lives of the people living in County Kilkenny.
It is my intention to organise a Conference entitled "Women Making a Difference to Peace, Politics and Prosperity" in June, 2003. This is an issue which is important to me.
I am pleased to note the increased public housing building programme in the County and also the success of the Affordable Housing Scheme at St. Kierans Crescent. A Joint Housing Strategy was adopted by Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council which is aimed at increasing the supply of land for housing.
It is also encouraging to note the continuing improvements in the road network which included the realignment of R693 at Threecastles (Campions Bend). Preliminary Design work was carried out on the R700 at Sheastown with a view to seeking funding under the E.U. Co-financed Schemes in 2003.
Under the Sanitary Services Programme works were completed on upgrading the Thomastown and Graiguenamanagh Sewerage Schemes in 2002.
This year was a very successful one for the recycling programme with 41 bring sites in operation at various locations throughout the County.
The Council has undergone significant change since the introduction of "Better Local Government" and we are fortunate to have such excellent management and staff who have implemented the changes for the benefit of the public.
During my term of Office as Cathaoirleach I had the honour of representing the people of County Kilkenny at the St. Patricks Day Parade Celebrations in New York and met with representatives of the Kilkenny Association who are celebrating their Centenary in 2003. I also visited the Kilkenny Association in Manchester and met many old friends and acquaintances.
The County Manager, Mr. Michael Malone took up the position during the year and on behalf of the members of the County Council I would like to welcome him to Kilkenny.
It has been a privilege to serve as Cathaoirleach and I would like to thank my predessor Cllr. Pat Millea and all Councillors for their co-operation and support during the year. I would also like to thank the County Manager and the staff for their commitment and assistance.
I am confident that progress will continue into the future and that the Council's contribution will be significant in this regard.
Cllr. Teresa Mullen,