Cllr. Michael O'Brien Chairperson |
Cllr. Malcolm Noonan Mayor |
It is a great privilege for us as Cathaoirleach and Mayor of Kilkenny County & City Council's to introduce the Annual Report for 2009. This report outlines the Local Authorities many and varied activities throughout the City and County across all services. We are mindful as Cathaoirleach and Mayor that this report is being prepared during one of the most challenging periods since the foundation of the state. We are acutely aware of how the difficult financial situation has impacted locally on the citizens and community of the County & City. However, we are heartened on a daily basis by the efforts made by local communities and various voluntary groups that we come into contact with to foster a community spirit and to improve the lot of their neighbour.
As the local democratic fora it is important that local government and the local authority are to the forefront of the communities which we serve. With this in mind we welcome the Local Economic Strategy which has been initiated by Kilkenny County & Borough Council's and which should be finalised in 2010.
Notwithstanding the current difficult financial situation, the beginning and end of 2009 saw projects being brought to various levels of fruition which should benefit the county and city. In January 2009 the Watershed Sporting Complex was officially opened. This world class facility compromising of 3 swimming pools, and one purpose sports arena, a fitness gym and aerobics studio combined with the existing Scanlon Park athletics track and outdoor pitches will greatly benefit the recreational facilities available to people in the city and county. In the first year there were 350,000 visits to the facility with an excellent mix in user profile covering all age groups and socio-economic spread.
Late December 2009, saw the acquisition of St. Mary's Church by Kilkenny Borough Council in what is potentially the most important development for heritage conservation in Kilkenny since the gifting of Kilkenny Castle in 1969.
This year also saw the completion of the Parade project. The completion of this project and ongoing works around the city should high light Kilkenny City's natural beauty and enhance its reputation both as a tourism destination and as a place to live for its citizens.
Around the county various infrastructure projects were completed and progressed. The Waterford By Pass, the majority of which runs through South Kilkenny was officially opened in October 2009. The M9 Motorway continues to progress ahead of schedule with a full complete schedule in place for 2010. Progress on such projects is vital to promote Kilkenny as a hub for the South Eastern Region.
The year 2009 also saw local elections take place. Before the elections took place Kilkenny County Council bid farewell to Cllrs. Dick Dowling, Catherine Phelan and Michael Lanigan who was also a member of Kilkenny Borough Council. The outgoing Mayor Cllr. Pat Crotty also announced his intention not to stand for re-election. As a result of the outcome of the election Kilkenny County Council bid farewell to Cllrs. Tom Brennan, Dixie Doyle, Pat Fitzpatrick and Pat Walsh. Kilkenny Borough Council bid farewell to Cllr. Noel Frawley. To all Councillors who departed, we wish to wish them well in the future and to thank them for their years of service to Kilkenny County & Borough Council's. We particularly wish to thank the outgoing Councillors Dick Dowling and Tommy Brennan who would have both served on Kilkenny County Council's for over 30 years.
We wish to take the opportunity to welcome the newly elected councillors to Kilkenny County and Borough Councils .They are Cllrs. Anne Marie Irish, Eamon Aylward and Fidelis Doherty in the Piltown area, Cllr. Sean Treacy who was newly elected to the Thomastown Electoral area. Cllr. Patrick Crowley rejoined the Council after a long sabbatical in the Callan area. In the Kilkenny Electoral Area, Kilkenny County Council welcomed Cllrs. Andrew McGuinness and Betty Manning who had previously served in Kilkenny Borough Council but were now serving for the first time in the County Council Chambers, Kilkenny Borough Council welcomed Cllrs. Joe Malone, Kathleen Funchion and David Fitzgerald to their ranks. To all the newly elected councillors and to the returning members we say congratulations. We are confident that their contributions will make a positive impact on both their local communities and the organisations they serve at this most challenging time and look forward to working with them into the future
We would like to take this opportunity to also thank the management and staff of Kilkenny Borough Council for their cooperation and support they have shown us during our term. We would like to express thanks to our predecessors Cllr. Tomas Breathnach and Pat Crotty and we particularly wish to express our appreciation to the Leas Cathaoirleach Cllr. Pat Dunphy and Deputy Mayor Cllr. Marie Fitzpatrick for their help during the year.
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Cllr. Michael O'Brien Cllr. Malcolm Noonan
MCC Cathaoirleach MCC Mayor