Michael Malone
Manager of the County & City Councils
It gives me great pleasure to present this Annual Report of Kilkenny County Council for 2003.
This year saw progress on various infrastructural projects throughout the County and across all services including roads, water, sewerage, housing, environment which are detailed in this report. Some of these projects are listed hereunder:
M8/N8 Cullahill/Cashel Motorway Order - CPO and E.I.S. published.
N9/N10 Kilcullen to Waterford-Preliminary Design substantially completed. CPO/E.I.S. being prepared.
N77 Kilkenny Ring Road Extension - advertising for tenders in 2004.
Modern Recycling Centre for domestic recyclables and household hazardous waste opened at Dunmore Landfill Site.
Kilkenny Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade - awaiting approval to proceed with preparation of contract documents.
Area plan adopted for the Poulgour/Wetlands area of the Western Environs of Kilkenny City.
Kilkenny Sport and Recreation Needs Study completed 2003.
Development Contribution Scheme adopted by the Council together with first year of multi-annual programme of capital works which will include the provision of five playgrounds to be funded from such contributions.
99 houses were commenced under the Housing and Construction Programme in 2003. Schemes were completed at Coon (3), Slieveure (10), Mooncoin (11), Johnstown (6).
New Swimming Pool - Preliminary report near completion.
The Council will continue to advance the Belview Area as a major location for Strategic Industry in the South East Region and in this regard we welcome the continued co-operation that exists with the Waterford Port Company.
The involvement of the tourism sector working with the Local Authorities in the preparation of a long term strategy for tourism in the County is welcomed.
The Council have carried out a number of improvements in the area of customer service:-
Re-organisation of the internal layout in County Hall which will assist in service delivery to customers at the first point of contact.
Installation of a modern telecommunications network.
Provision of a customer service desk at County Hall.
Development of the first floor of Castlecomer Library Building as a modern accessible area office for the Castlecomer Area.
Planning clinics are operating on a weekly basis in each of the five Area Offices. Over 2000 people have attended these clinics since they commenced.
E-Plan/internet planning enquiry system now in operation.
I would like to express my appreciation of the dedication and commitment of the Management Team and Staff of the Council and the hard work of the elected members, in particular the contribution of the Cathaoirleach Cllr. Bobby Aylward and his predecessor Teresa Mullen for their commitment and dedication to the development and promotion of the County. I also wish to express my thanks to the Chairperson and members of each of the Strategic Policy Committees for the excellent work done during the year.
I trust that this Annual Report will be widely read by the people of County Kilkenny and that it will give them a greater insight into the broad range of activities which are undertaken by the Local Authorities.
Mr. Michael Malone,
County Manager.