Tourism Developments and Strategic alliances for Kilkenny 2005
Kilkenny Local Authorities, Kilkenny Tourism, Kilkenny Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Kilkenny Vintners funded tourism research for Kilkenny in 2004. Welcome Marketing Consulting were commissioned to prepare the Strategy entitled "Kilkenny Tourism and Development strategy, 2006 - 2011 Linking Old and New, City and County", using the findings of this research. A public consultative approach was undertaken as part of the methodology for designing the future goals and tourism opportunities for Kilkenny . Kilkenny Tourism have retained Welcome Marketing Consulting to assist them implement the strategy going forward.
The practical approach focuses on implementation and co-operative marketing in a sustainable and integrated manner that will allow positive progress for the betterment of tourism in Kilkenny.
Key marketing groups have been established and commitment from the industry has been demonstrated by the formation of the following sectoral marketing groups:
- Kilkenny Hotels
- Kilkenny B&B's
- Kilkenny Vintners
- Kilkenny Self-catering
- Kilkenny Good Food Circle
- Kilkenny Crafts
The Board of Kilkenny Tourismhas undergone a reorganisation and has been reduced from 25 to 16 Directors.
The Board's objectives and its functions have become more focussed on communication with the board and with their respective sectors. It is recommended that subcommittees would be set up within the Board to drive the initiatives. An ongoing review of the Board of Directors has been agreed and the focus will include:
- Communication and PR, within sectors and to members
- Distribution of Info rmation
- Quality referral systems
- Fundraising and Events
- Web development
Function of the new Kilkenny Tourism
The function of the New Kilkenny Tourism is to promote and market Kilkenny city and county as a tourism destination. The method adopted for the promotion will be via co-operative and cluster marketing which will allow for an integrated approach to the enhancement of Kilkenny as a Tourism Destination.
Actions 2005
Marketing Actions that were commenced in 2005 to attract new visitors to Kilkenny included:
Web marketing
- Revision and redesign of www.kilkennytourism.ie
- Email Marketing Campaign - ezine, web marketing campaign for participating groups and visitors to the County.
- Build on existing databases and develop new databases.
- Promote special offers, special deals and packages via the ezine.
- Promote and communicate to Council Members on issues relating Product Development in Rural and City locations.
- Use email marketing to develop clusters to disperse business to rural locations throughout Kilkenny.
Design and Execution of the Integrated Marketing Campaign (IMC)
- The IMC, supported by the leading hotels, the Local Authority and the Chamber of Commerce and Vintners adopted a co-operative marketing approach for the county.
Integrated Marketing Communications Mix (IMC)
It aimed to send one message and was communicated across all media, in a synchronised and sequenced fashion where all participating members are dovetailing and sending the same message about Kilkenny, i.e. "Lots to do, great atmosphere and quality at a reasonable price"
The key message was "KILKENNY" and not hotels or any other specific product sector as this can sometimes lead to "people tuning out". A destination with a feel good factor is always stronger than a specific hotel - even guests staying in the best hotels want to venture out and explore!
Members of Kilkenny Tourism 05/06:
- Sheena McCanny, Chairperson
- Richard Butler
- Monica O'Byrne
- Monica Phelan
- Michael Prendergast
- Tom Maloney
- Elaine Murphy
- Kathleen Leadbetter
- Declan Murphy
- Pat Wallace
- Joe Ledwidge
- James O'Connor
- Declan Rice
- Mike Nolan
- Cllr. Paul Cuddihy
- Cllr. Malcolm Noonan
- Cllr. John Brennan