The Housing function incorporates a wide range of services for applicants and tenants in both Kilkenny City & County to facilitate and support the provision of independent and supported accommodation. This is achieved by offering a variety of 'social housing supports' by the Housing Authorities, Voluntary and private sector.
The Core Housing Services being delivered under Shared County Council / Borough Council arrangements are;
Housing Policy
The Housing SPC met on four occasions to deal with policy changes some of which related to the commencement of section 20 Housing [Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 and the Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2011.
This resulted in a standardised approach nationally to housing assessment. It introduced the concept of social housing supports and a common application form.
Rental Accommodation Scheme [RAS] & Leasing
- Allocation of €2.4m expended in full.
- 153 applicants accommodated under RAS in 2011
- 530 RAS interviews arranged in 2011
- A total of 5 units were secured under leasing in Kilkenny during 2011
Voluntary Housing Programme
- €1.4ml allocation in 2011 to construct 15 units at Nuncio Road by S.O.S.
- €263,500 additional allocation to provide 2 additional units by KASHMA.
- The following units were completed in 2011 under the 'Special Call' programme;
No. of Units | Name of Approved Housing Body | Approval |
4 |
L'Arche Kilkenny, "Cluain Aoibhinn", Fair Green Lane, Callan, Co. Kilkenny |
300,000 |
3 | The Good Shepherd Centre, Church Lane, Kilkenny | 402,900 |
2 |
Belmont Park Housing Association Ltd., Belmont Park, Ferrybank, Waterford |
332,614 |
4 | Focus Ireland, 9-12 High St., Dublin, 8 | 620,000 |
Community Facility |
St. Patricks Housing Trust, St. Fiacre's Church, Loughboy |
67,500 |
Community Facility | Camphill Communities, at Ballytobin, Callan | 232,500 |
Community | Cluid Housing Association, Callan | 135,500 |
Homeless Services
The Good Shepherd Centre, Amber Women's Refuge and FOCUS Ireland provided sheltered accommodation and support services for the homeless.
Social Housing Investment Programme [SHIP]
Kilkenny Local Authorities secured 3.5ml and successfully expended its allocation on the completion of 31 units and Community Centre in Ossory Park along with the commencement of works on 27 units in Rosehill, Kells Road.
An additional allocation €1m was secured at year end to acquire 7 units of accommodation into stock.
Referrals to KLA
- 171 Homeless Referrals
- 33 Potentially Homeless Referrals
- 76 Housing Welfare Referrals
- Kilkenny Homeless Action Team (KHAT), an interagency team comprising of statutory and non-governmental agency representatives met weekly.
Traveller Accommodation Programme
- Traveller Accommodation Programme 2009 - 2013 reviewed
- 11 units of accommodation provided to Traveller families
- The total number of Traveller families in the local authority area on the date of the national count was 155, no increase on the previous year.
- Suitable lands were identified to advance the Horse project in 2011.
Maintaining Housing Stock
- Both Housing Maintenance crews were amalgamated in March 2011 - Shared Services
- Budget expended in full on combined stock of 2,166 houses
- Void Management - 26 long term void units completed in 2011
- 30 units completed under the 'improvement works/retrofit/energy' programme
- On average 3.5% housing stock is vacant at any one time
Assessment of Needs
- 3,118 applicants on Housing List
- 63% of applicants want to live in Kilkenny City & Environs
- 90% of applicants seeking social housing supports for financial reasons
- 1,186 Housing Need Assessment Appointments were made for applicants in 2011
- 30 casual vacancies
- 72 new lettings with 122 additional lettings under RAS
- 20 Offers of transfer of accommodation were made in 2011
Housing Loans
- 56 applications for loans made in 2011 totaling €2,517,800
- House prices dropped between 42% and 50%
- 13 Annuity Loans issued to value of b1,613,200
- 2 houses sold under the Affordable Housing Scheme
- 4 Reconstruction Loans issued valued at €117,600
- 101 Applications received under Tenant Purchase Scheme
- All loans vetted by the Housing & Sustainable Communities Agency and in house team
Housing Grants
- €1.8ml allocation expended in full with further allocation of €642,249 received in late 2011 to deal with increasing number of allocations.
- 409 applications approved in 2011
- 373 applications paid out totaling €2,633,939, €526,783 [20%] paid by Council with the balance grant aided from Department
- Panel of contractors set up to assist elderly
- 3 meetings held by Housing Action Group set up under the Age Friendly County Programme
Community & Estate Management Services
- €10,000 support for Local Authority Tidy Estates Competition. Estate Management Grants totaled €30,000. Grant aid the supply of gardening equipment, landscaping projects, plants and gardening materials, minor refurbishment on estates, installation of fencing
- Kilkenny County Council supported 80 community and estate management committees in 2011.
- Ossory Park Residents Association set up following completion of 32 units and Community facilities
- 83, Newpark Close designated as a community facility for the Newpark Residents
- Consultation with Newpark Residents and Family Resource Centre for the demolition of units and provision of recreational/amenity space in Newpark Close
- Completion of regeneration works in Newpark Close
- Completion of Remembrance Gardens in Hebron Park and Newpark Close funded by FAS Local Training Initiative
- Provision of outdoor gym facilities/equipment at the Butts, Kilkenny funded by Sports Capital monies
- Over 100 complaints dealt with by the Anti Social Behaviour Officer
- Promotion of affiliation to Community and Voluntary Forum and Group Insurance Scheme
- Sustainable Communities Fund scheme - Pre-Development support for residents at St. Catherine's Halting Site, Wetlands
Private Rented Accommodation
The Council carried out 390 rental standard inspections on private rented accommodation during 2011