Activity Update 2002
The Kilkenny County Enterprise Board continued to provide a pivotal role in the development of the local economy in County Kilkenny in 2002. The Board is part of the national network of 35 City & County Enterprise Boards, established by the government in 1993 to fill a gap in the support services to local enterprise.
The main objective of the Board is to provide supports to facilitate the establishment, development and growth of micro-enterprises in the county. The Board strives to achieve this aim through the provision of selective financial assistance and through the provision of supports to improve the entrepreneurial and management development ability of owner-managers of small businesses.
The Board approved financial assistance totalling circa €450,000 to an additional 45 business projects in 2002 in the form of Capital, Employment and Feasibility Study Grants.
This brings the total number of projects assisted by the Board since its establishment in 1993 to 480 and the total amount of grant aid approved to almost €4.6 Million.
The 45 projects assisted in 2002 have the potential to create an additional 74 full-time jobs when fully operational. This brings the total number of jobs created by the Board in the last 9 years to 764 at a cost per job of just €6,000, which represents excellent value for EU and Exchequer funding.
The 45 projects approved grant-aid in 2002 covered the full spectrum of industry sectors from local services and manufacturing operations through craft based enterprises and small-scale food processors to tourism & leisure projects and those that have the potential to become internationally traded services. Many of these projects are based upon identified niche market areas not currently being serviced by other businesses in the County. Key criteria of financial support from the Board are that projects are commercially viable and that they do not have a risk of causing displacement.
'Soft' Supports
While the provision of grant-aid to eligible business projects is perhaps the role for which the Board is best known, arguably the most valuable service it provides is the 'first-point of contact' to people either thinking of starting their own business or those already in business thinking of expanding. This 'one-stop-shop' service encompasses the provision of basic information and advice, training, research, mentoring and management development supports to clients. Hundreds of people benefit from these supports on an annual basis.
This role has become an increasingly important part of the Board's work and last year the Board invested a further circa €325,000 in Enterprise Training Supports.
A total of 378 people participated in over 35 training & management development programmes organised and delivered by the Board in 2002. These ranged from 'Start Your Own Business' Training Courses through to 'Computerised Accounts' Training for Business Owners to 'Financial Training' and 'Sales & Marketing' Programmes. The 2002 range of Programmes included a range of new initiatives aimed at assisting owner-managers of small businesses respond to less favourable trading conditions.
Ossory Youth Services continued to co-ordinate the Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES) on behalf of the Board in 2002. Approximately 350 students from second level schools all over the county participate in the YES each year. The YES provides first hand knowledge and experience to young people of what it is really like to run their own business. The emphasis is upon doing, so students get exposure to everything from: Getting the business idea; to doing the market research & preparing the plan; to actually setting-up the business and selling their products or services. The Board were pleased that 3 YES businesses promoted by Kilkenny students received awards at the National Finals.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of Kilkenny County Enterprise Board is currently chaired by Mr. Michael Malone (Kilkenny County Manager) and comprises of representatives from all of the local development, community and business organisations with a role and remit for enterprise development. The current membership of the Board is as follows:
- Michael Malone (Chairman)
- Cllr. John McGuinness TD
- Yvonne Moriarty
- John O'Shea
- William Costello
- Pat Nolan
- Michael Mc Guire
- Cllr. Pat Dunphy
- Cllr. Matt Doran
- Cllr. Mary Hilda Cavanagh
- Ger Heffernan
- Gerard Mullally
- Darragh Murphy
- James Hennessy
- Alison McGrath
Kilkenny County Enterprise Board Ltd.
- 45 Projects approved grant aid.
- €450,000 grant-aid approved.
- 74 jobs created.
- Cost per job at €6,000.
- 750 enquiries processed.
- €325,000 Invested in 'Soft' Supports.
- 35 Enterprise & Management Training Programmes run.
- 378 people benefited from Enterprise Training.
- 350 students participated in YES.