The Kilkenny County Enterprise Board is chaired by the County Manager, Mr. Michael Malone and comprises representatives of a wide range of state and semi-state organisations along with local business and community interests. The presence of four elected representatives of the local authority in particular, adds to the democratic legitimacy and accountability of the Board.
The Kilkenny County Enterprise Board provides a strategic focus to enterprise development in County Kilkenny. The Board has now firmly established itself as the first point of contact for small businesses with its wide range of customised supports from basic information and advice through to financial assistance.
During 2003, a further 30 projects were approved financial assistance. These projects have the potential to create an additional 50 full-time job equivalents when fully implemented. This brings the total number of projects assisted by the Board since its establishment in 1993 to 465 and the total number of jobs created to 814. However, just as valuable are the 'soft supports' the Board provides to those thinking of either starting or expanding their business. Hundreds of people received business information and advice, and a total of 358 people participated in the 42 training & management development programmes organised and delivered by the Board in 2003.