1.0 Operations and Maintenance Programme
Operations and maintenance programme expanded substantially for 2010. Increase in schedule of planned maintenance for all water and waste water plants.
2.0 Capital Programme
2.1 Major Schemes
2.1.1 Kilkenny Regional Water Supply Scheme
The Preliminary Report was submitted for approval to the DOE in July 2008. An EIS was prepared for the Wellfield Development and submitted to An Bord Pleanala in May 2010. No decision has been made on either of these to date.
Because of ongoing THM exceedences in water produced at Radestown WTP, we are currently awaiting approval from the DOE for the inclusion of Kilkenny County Council's proposal to 'supply groundwater from Kilkieran Wellfield to Radestown WTP' in the Department's Remedial Action List 100% funding scheme, as a means of removing the scheme from the EPA's Remedial Action List.
We have recently advertised a contract to install a HDPE Liner in Reservoir No. 2 Radestown. The Tenders have been assessed and the total cost of the project including Contract and Supervision costs is approx €123,703. The Reservoir is estimated to be leaking 40cm per day and we hope to commence work before by the middle of May. The work is programmed to take 9 weeks.
2.1.2 Gowran/Goresbridge/Paulstown WSS
This has been broken down into two contracts namely the UV works and Access road (& source investigation works).
- UV contract: This is to safeguard the quality of supply by the installation of sand filters and UV (Ultra Violet) Treatment system to ensure the water supplied meets the required Drinking water standards.
- Access road & Source Investigation: This contract is to ensure adequate access in order that adequate maintenance of the supply system could be carried out.
It should be noted that both contracts were carried out as a result of the Water Supply Scheme having been placed on the EPA's Remedial Action List.
2.1.4 Ballyragget, Clogh/Castlecomer and Urlingford/Johsntown WSS Bundle
The Preliminary Report is with the Department for approval.
2.1.5 Callan, Graignamanagh and Thomastown/Inistioge WSS Bundle
The overall bundle is not on the WSIP 2010-2-012, with the only contract carried forward being the Inistioge Advance Works Contract.
2.1.6 Mooncoin Water Supply Scheme
Phase 1A of the upgrade to this scheme was completed in 2010. This involved the following works:
- Provision of pumps, control house, power and instrumentation and site works, to facilitate the development of a well field at Kilmacow.
- Construction of a treatment plant and highlift pumping station at Mullinabro.
- Construction of a 5,300m3 balancing storage reservoir at the treatment works.
- Construction of 2 Nr. 5,500m3 low level reservoirs at Ballinvoher.
- Construction of 8km of mains from the well fields to the treatment works and from the treatment works to the low level reservoirs at Ballinvoher.
- Construction of approx. 4 km of 400 mm diameter distribution main from Killaspy to Belview Port Industrial Area.
Ward and Burke Construction Ltd were the main contractors.
The new scheme became operational in December 2010.
2.1.7 Kilkenny City & County Metering Project
The Metering Contract is complete and the Final Account has been agreed subject to completion of minor works by the Contractor, before payment of the final claim.
The installation of the large meters commenced in January 2010 and was carried out by two contractors.
2.1.8 Kilkenny Waste Water Treatment Plant
The overall scheme for the waste water treatment plant and Sludge Hub is with an Bord Pleanala since October 2008 with an oral hearing having been held in May 2009. A decision is still awaited. An application for a discharge license has also been submitted to the EPA and it is expected that this will result in conditions to upgrade certain aspects of the plant to ensure legislative standards are met.
The WSIP currently includes for Interim works to the treatment plant and this is currently being designed by Kilkenny County Council. A mini Preliminary Report is required to be submitted to the Department of the Environment for approval to proceed with these works.
2.1.9 Freshford, Johnstown & Goresbridge Sewerage Scheme
Site investigations for the scheme were completed in 2010.
Land adjacent to the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Goresbridge was purchased in 2010. This will allow for future expansion of the plant.
2.2.10 Kilmacow Sewerage Scheme
The WWTP DBO Contract was substantially completed in July 2010 and has been accepting sewerage since. Approximately 64% of a total of 305 connections have been made to date.
2.4 Water Conservation
Water conservation is primarily concerned with reducing the levels of unaccounted for water in water supply schemes. Unaccounted for water includes water losses as a result of leakage from mains and fittings, unauthorized connections, excessive consumption, and unmetered non-domestic connections. Works on Stage II continued throughout 2010.
3.0 Rural Water Programme
There are 232 Group Schemes in the County-124 Groups served from a private source & 108 Groups connected to the public supply. 68 of the public group schemes are not taken in charge.
- The sum of €347,658 was paid out in improvement grants to group schemes in 2010 and €21,653 being spent on the Takeover of Group Schemes.
- Asset management of rural water sector advanced and all sources covered by regulations have been mapped. Work continues to record pipe network details into GIS format also.
- 61 Subsidies totalling €223,377.24 were paid to Group Schemes in 2010.
- 85 approvals issued for grant applications for provision of wells to private houses and the sum of €125,971.38 was paid out in well grants in 2010.
- The sum of €599,973 spent on the provision & improvement works to public water and sewage schemes under the small schemes programme.
4.0 Water Quality Programme
Kilkenny County Council established the Water Charges Business Unit in August 2010. This unit brought together staff from Sanitary Services and Debt Collection to provide a more focused approach on water charges.
In 2010 Kilkenny County Council launched meter.ie, a new website service which allows customers online access to data which the Council has available in relation to their account and meters. This is a free service. Also a customer can avail of the use of a data logger on their meter. This logger will take readings at 15 minute intervals with this information available to customers through meter.ie. The data logger has an annual charge of €250.
Charges were reduced in 2010 by 1.5% on the 2009 charge. Kilkenny County Council continued to bill on a quarterly basis in 2010.