Roads and Transportation
- Road works completed along the N10 Ring Road between Old Dublin Road and Boherantounish Road Roundabouts.
- Smarter Travel Day was launched in 2011.
Planning & Housing
- 153 applicants accommodated under Rental Accommodation Scheme.
- 19,000 planning files were scanned and made available.
- €1.6m collected in development contributions.
Arts & Heritage
- Unveiled current phase of conservation and restoration works to Talbot tower.
- Co-ordinated & promoted Kilkenny heritage week 2011.
- 1,640 people engaged as audience or participants in Culture Night.
- National drawing day took place at the parade tower.
- 10,000 people engaged with various arts events throughout 2011.
Library Services
- A new mobile library was launched and a new library for Ferrybank and South Kilkenny.
- 262,233 books were issued over 241,135 visits.
Water Services
- 10.1 million cubed metres of quality drinking water provided.
- 13,800 quality tests conducted on public and private water supplies.
Waste & Environment
- 18,431 tonnes of waste collected from kerbside - 40% of this was recycled.
- 2,819 tonnes of recycling collected from kerbside.
- 81% of schools participated in the Green School Programme.
Parks & Amenities
- Kilkenny now has 15 Council operated playgrounds. 5 outdoor fitness areas were installed to complement playgrounds.
- Lacken Walk was redeveloped and now forms part of the River Nore Linear Park.
Fire Services & Civil Defence
- Fire service responded to 721 incidents.
- Average response time for fires was 6 minutes and 39 seconds.
- Civil Defence volunteers provided first aid at 15 events and the Kilkenny Senior Hurling team home coming.