The Economic Development Unit has undertaken a number of initiatives to promote Kilkenny as a location for investment. Key activities were carried out to build relationships with businesses and stakeholders, embed the county's strengths as a great place to work, ensure a positive and robust environment is in place to support business and finally, to communicate these activities. Underpinning all initiatives is a Communication Programme which is ongoing, targeting a broad audience of local, regional, national and multinational sectors.
The core activities centre on the following:
Hosting a number of high profile promotional events to advance Sector development and engagement - marketing Kilkenny as a location for investment to IT/technology sectors and Life Sciences, including Pharma with specific focus on South Kilkenny/Belview zone
Establishment of a research and innovation centre in Kilkenny to embed IT skills and secure clustering of technology companies
Establishment of an Agri-Food group to focus on sector preparation and promotion
Working with tourism and all stakeholders to market Kilkenny as a great place to visit and do business
A number of high profile events were hosted in 2011 to raise Kilkenny's profile as a business location, develop linkages with the existing business community, and to market the city and county to new potential markets.
The Business Support Unit hosted the launch of Intel's International Schools Innovation Camp, WIT's Next Generation Internet Conference and a Civic reception to mark 10 years of State Street's presence in Kilkenny.
A number of high level, business centric visits were hosted. A party of delegates from the Ireland-India Council, including a senior Minister, visited Kilkenny to meet with local government officials.
A comprehensive visit from the Chinese 'Xinhua' news agency. Senior journalists accompanied by a film crew and reporters spent three days meeting business leaders, and visiting companies and historic sites and interviewed Minister Phil Hogan.
This coincided with the launch of the Invest Kilkenny Chinese micro-website at a 'Focus on China' Business Seminar which was held in the Parade Tower. Kilkenny local authorities became the first in Ireland to launch a site in Chinese as part of a bid to attract investment from the Far East. Media coverage of Kilkenny was printed and broadcast in Chinese print and Xinhus's News Agency TV Channel CBC.

Ms Zhang ShuJing, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy launches
the Invest Kilkenny Chinese microsite with Minister Hogan and Manager Joe Crockett
Work continued to build and develop the Invest Kilkenny website, adding interviews with key business people in Kilkenny and additional marketing material, while growing the social media community networks.
Invest Kilkenny brochures and promotion material was distributed to C.E.O's of major companies in Ireland and companies added links from their websites to Invest Kilkenny's site.
Articles on the Invest Kilkenny initiative were published in the broadsheets and council review, and various online media sites.
The Business Support Unit supported a local Start-up competition to promote entrepreneurship, participated in focus groups for enterprise development and conducted a number of meetings with potential entrepreneurs and companies in terms of planning advice, overheads and contacts.
The team collaborated on a Workshop/Seminar delivered at Castlecomer Discovery Park in conjunction with the County Development Board.
At the launch of Invest Kilkenny, the establishment of a Third Level Education and Research Development centre was announced. Extensive work has been completed on gutting and remodelling the facility at St. Kieran's College to house the new research and innovation centre. This centre, which will focus on next generation internet services and develop relationships with existing companies in Kilkenny and the South east region, is a joint venture between the Kilkenny Local Authorities and W.I.T/Telecommunication Software and Systems Group (T.S.S.G) is being rolled out by the research team in 2012.
The new research centre marks the continued growth of WIT's highly successful TSSG group and greatly enhances the academic profile of Kilkenny, consolidating the county's value offering as a centre of innovation and creativity.
Further to the Harvest 2020 strategy, a high level food group was established with representatives from the sector including Glanbia, Dawn Meats, Brett Brothers, Connolly Red Mills, Oldtown Bakeries and Leader. This group has been developing four areas, namely expansion of the milk supply post 2015, food sustainability, improved routes to market for S.M.E's and exploring the development of a food excellence centre.
A technical working group has also been established with representatives of Teagasc, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Dept. of Agriculture, the Dept. of the Environment, Community and Local Government, the River Basin Catchment Management Team and the Council to examine environmental management issues. This group liaised at a national level with Dept. of Agriculture and River Catchment Management, with Kilkenny will designated a pilot programme.
A new waste water treatment facility was completed funded by IDA Ireland, Kilkenny County Council and the Department of Environment Heritage and local government at a cost of €13m. The Belview Strategic Water Supply provides for 725,000 gallons of water per day primarily for industrial and enterprise use. This compliments Waterford City Council's recently opened new wastewater treatment plant at Gorteens which cost €37 million and has substantial reserve capacity.
The business support unit directly supported tourism as an economic partner and provided IT and administrative staff to support Kilkenny Tourism initiatives.
The Belview Strategic Water Supply scheme was completed. The scheme is designed to help attract new investment into the deep sea port. |

Bellview Waste Water Treatment Facility